--- Dalibor Topic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I have at the moment, is that I've added
> tritonus
> to kaffe's build system, all the tritonus java libs
> compile, the C++ libraries (except ALSA, because of
> the inner class problems) compile and link,
> SampleAudioPlayer starts but can't link
> libtritonusesd
> because of "cerr not found", i.e. the
> libtool-over-shared-C++ libs problem mentioned
> above.

I've got sound output working[1] on kaffe with esd
now, by linking tritonus libraries manually using g++.

The developers on the libtool mailing list were kind
enough to point out that the current CVS version of
libtool should be able to generate shared C++ libaries
out of the box. As the CVS libtool requires new
versions of autoconf & friends, I'm trying to get
kaffe's build system to work with autoconf 2.56 &
automake 1.7.1 as well as libtool from CVS. If all
goes well, I hope to have something to check in by the
end of the week.

best regards,

dalibor topic

[1] I've tested SimpleAudioPlayer with a wav file from
Atari Teenage Riot's song "Revolution Action" [2].
jorbis doesn't work yet.

[2] The song is supposed to be mostly distorted noise,
really, so I can't tell much about the perceived
output quality. It sounded truthful to the original to
me on my old cyrix p200 box. Your mileage might vary
depending on your processor speed, the engine used etc.

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