Hi Lingxing,

--- 盖玲兴--教务处 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Mehta,
> I'm a student from China, I'm learning kaffe vm and
> want to know how the kaffe awt
> run on linux framebuffer. But there is very little
> reference materials. I learn

people regularly ask on the mailing list about
framebuffer based AWT implementations. I point them
regularly to the pocketlinux kaffe sources, which
include  ports to fgl, grx and mgl graphic libraries. 

fgl is a framebuffer targeted graphical library from
PocketLinux, and I'm not sure if it is being actively
developed anymore. mgl comes from SciTech, and is
available here:
. grx is a cross platform library for DOS and linux
framebuffer, available here:

Current kaffe sources from the CVS also include a
kaffe port to Qt, which also runs on QtEmbedded, a
version of Qt targeted at framebuffer platforms. That
one has raised some interest, so you might have better
luck getting help on the mailing list. It has some
annoying bugs (with applets, for example), so it could
use a volunteer to polish it up. If you do some work
to improve it, please send the patches to the mailing
list. Check out FAQ/FAQ.awt in kaffe's sources for
more information.

There is also a port of kaffe's AWT to microwindows, I
think. Check out kaffe.org's Ports section for more

In short, if you are interested in getting framebuffer
AWT to work, and want to help out, then improvig the
Qt-Embedded port should be easier than merging in some
other AWT implementation.

best regards,

dalibor topic

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