Hi Casey,

sorry for the long delay.

Casey Marshall wrote:

Is it possible to add the source trees from these projects into some
'upstream' directory of javalib, and compile them along with
everything else, based on config flags?

Not at the moment. I have no idea how I'd go about implementing something like that atm.

And by 'possible' I mean 'not a complete pain in the ass'.

There is complete pain in the ass way, though ;)

Copy the files into libraries/javalib, run find to list all the new files, and append the output of all new files to profiles/allatonce/all.files.

Or: is there any plan to add an extension directory to Kaffe?
Analogous to the ext/ directory in other JREs?

I've fixed Kaffe's install-jar script to put jars into kaffe's lib dir, and kaffe script will pick them up automatically. Just use install-jar my-crypto.jar.

dalibor topic

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