Hi Pancake, hi Rob

pancake wrote:
I think that could be very interesting to import the charva classes into the
base kaffe classes. By this way, charva project will get more support by the

charva is a handful of classes that trys to wrap all AWT/Swing classes in
a textmode fashion using ncurses. I've charva packaged into pkgsrc-wip. But
I've some problems using it, Application runs but finishes saying:
"end of stdin"... I send a mail (with no response) to the charva-dev.

Could be nice to get a kaffe version without X that support AWT/Swing widgets.

Sounds like something interesting.

Rob, how hard/easy would be to run existing Swing/AWT applciations on Charva, if we played a few tricks with bootclasspath to preload Charva's class libraries before our normal AWT implementation, and renamed the Charva classes to java.awt/javax.swing packages? Would you be interested in seeing Charva used as an AWT implementation option in kaffe?

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