On 05/07/2015 02:35 PM, Todd Morgan wrote:
Hi everyone,
I managed to get my Kallithea authenticating nicely using LDAP (a small typo in the LDAP Search filter was the cause).

You can perhaps contribute some debugging hints to the documentation.

can authenticate my users AOK now (getting the default anonymous level of access) but now I need to lock it down appropriately using group access definitions. I couldn't find a means of using the existing group memberships (LDAP) as a means of configuring access to Kallithea's repositories.

I have approximately 100 repositories and 00's of users so manually configuring permissions for access is not an option.

Am I missing something obvious? I couldn't see how to configure the system to get groups from an external source an into Kallithea?

After a bit of searching I did find this https://bitbucket.org/jfbeaumont/kallithea/commits/6cc72bef379ce1df856ed5f8b6f4b9661f661c57 which appears to suggest LDAP groups were explicitly not included.

Are there any other options other than this available?

I would suggest looking into using scripting and the API to add/remove members from some of your groups based on your LDAP data. That will give you full control.

I would prefer not to have to "customise" a brand new installation with unapproved (yet??) code.

It could quickly get upstreamed ...

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