On 05/14/2015 10:15 PM, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:
On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Mads Kiilerich <m...@kiilerich.com> wrote:
On 05/10/2015 08:22 PM, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:
# HG changeset patch
# User Thomas De Schampheleire <thomas.de.schamphele...@gmail.com>
# Date 1430943590 -7200
#      Wed May 06 22:19:50 2015 +0200
# Node ID 877fa67247ecfe9cb01a6b70bfaeee265bb65b9e
# Parent  196c46444d9881b8f8955159d198c7a6e455b88c
admin: users: factorize check for default user

diff --git a/kallithea/controllers/admin/users.py
--- a/kallithea/controllers/admin/users.py
+++ b/kallithea/controllers/admin/users.py
@@ -233,13 +233,16 @@ class UsersController(BaseController):
           # url('user', id=ID)
   +    def _check_default_user(self, user):
+        if user.username == User.DEFAULT_USER:
+            h.flash(_("You can't edit this user"), category='warning')
+            return redirect(url('users'))

Is this function returning a value from 'redirect' or is redirect raising an

If it is the first, this value will now be lost unless the caller handles

If the latter, the return is really pointless.
redirect raises an exception. In theory, the redirect is useless.
However, the 'return' statement could be seen as a safety barrier in
case the redirect function does not actually redirect. At least the
rest of the function would not be executed (the calling function would
still continue though).

You're right that this property is no longer true after the refactoring.

What is your opinion here? Use return or not?

I would say an extra redundant return perhaps can improve the readability. It can also make it less readable for those who dig into it and try to understand what really is going on so should at least have some clear comments in obvious places.

But why not just name the function in such a way that it is clear that it as a part of the normal ("non-exceptional") flow that it might throw an exception. Perhaps by letting the name contain "ensure" or "or_raise" or something like that.

As a consequence of this, the semantics of calling this function is not
clear. At least, it should have a docstring. The name is also not good. It
says what the theme is but not what the action on it is. Perhaps call it
_ensure_not_default. The default user is also so special that it perhaps
could make sense to have a flag on User.get_or_404 to make it '404' on the
default user. We should never show links for editing the default user -
trying to do that is either an internal error (that should be fixed) or
someone trying to circumvent to the system.
get_or_404 is currently a class method implemented in the BaseModel.
Do you think that adding a flag to only the implementation in User is
nice, or should we use another method name?

If we go this route, then the lines:

         c.user = User.get_or_404(id)

would become something like: (please suggest better names)

         c.user = User.get_nodefault_or_404(id)


         c.user = User.get_or_404(id, allow_default=False)

I think I would prefer the last option.

(Unrelated to the refactoring but related to the same lines of code: the
message should really be more like "The default user cannot be edited". I
also dislike redirects on fatal errors - I would much rather have a total
and clear failure on the failing URL than the unhelpful redirect.)
When we catch the error in User.get.... then this second comment would
be solved right?
Regarding the flash message, we cannot talk about 'editing' from User
because we do not know if that is the context. Something like 'This
action is not allowed on the default user' or 'Invalid action on the
default user' ?

Seems reasonable. We can perhaps also introduce a special NonDefaultUserNotFound exception that can be translated to the appropriate error message in different contexts.



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