On 05/17/2015 01:04 PM, Andrew Shadura wrote:


On Sun, 17 May 2015 03:12:20 +0200
Mads Kiilerich <mads-h1iwDtBV6gO1Z/+hsey...@public.gmane.org> wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I read the code correctly, the check
here will have no effect (which is why I haven't added it).
Ok. The explanation explains it. The code do however seem fragile and
non-obvious when reading it. An extra check or a clear comment would
So adding a comment — and you're fine with the change? :)

Not really. I think we pin-pointed that it takes some existing technical debt and makes it worse ... and the feature still only works for some kind of logins and is thus not very usable.


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