middleware: replace references to Errormator with AppEnlight. Errormator has been rebranded as AppEnlight a while back. Errormator is no longer available. ...

Brandon Jones committed on 2016-12-21 14:56:09
branch: stable
tag: tip
changeset: b4dd4c16
middleware: replace references to Errormator with AppEnlight.

Errormator has been rebranded as AppEnlight a while back.

Errormator is no longer available. This is just a trivial rename that can't
make things worse.

 M development.ini (18 lines added, 18 lines removed)
 M kallithea/bin/template.ini.mako (19 lines added, 19 lines removed)
 M kallithea/config/deployment.ini_tmpl (18 lines added, 18 lines removed)
 M kallithea/config/middleware.py (3 lines added, 3 lines removed)
 R kallithea/lib/middleware/appenlight.py (5 lines added, 5 lines removed)
 M kallithea/tests/test.ini (18 lines added, 18 lines removed)
 M scripts/manifest (1 lines added, 1 lines removed)
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