Mads Kiilerich <> schrieb am Do., 15. Juni 2017 um
03:32 Uhr:

> On 06/12/2017 05:41 PM, Dominik Ruf wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > this mail is overdue, but I always hoped it would get better. :-/
> > I know this is a community project and we all have other
> > responsibilities. So I understand that a request does not get answered
> > instantly.
> I understand and see your frustration.
> Not that it really answer your questions, but for what it's worth, some
> comments to your examples:
> > But for example my pull requests about 'repository settings' is now
> > literally waiting for YEARS.
> Yes. Also, the latest changesets in the PR still say WIP, suggesting
> that it not really is considered ready yet. The previous iteration got
> review feedback 2 weeks ago. I haven't had time to follow up on the
> latest one, having spent time on ...
Yes I got some feedback from a USER about the UI related (WIP) parts.
And I'm thankful for that.
It is WIP because I still got no feedback from any 'developer'.
For the non-WIP parts I still got no review/feedback. And after 2 years
'I haven't had time...' is not longer a proper argument :-(

> > Or lately my 'Port Kallithea theme to Bootstrap' pull request. I asked
> > multiple times for some feedback, but since 2 MONTH I got nothing. I
> > understand that reviewing takes time, but at least some kind of
> > comment is not too much to ask.
> Bootstrap has been very hard to land. Mainly because my initial requests
> for splitting things up with clean history so they were reviewable were
> refused or ignored.

And I said I will not do it because I consider it a colossal waist of time.
You on the other hand never explained that you'll split it up anyway.

> I have thus spent a lot of time trying to
> extract/redo and land parts that I could review and so I knew what was
> changed and why.

And why the hell did you not rebase it properly after that?

> The latest iteration of the Bootstrap PR is much better
> and we are making progress - thanks!
> > And some pull request like 'catch MemoryErrors when calling git diff'
> > are really trivial.
> Unfortunately, I also have the feeling that the approach in that PR is
> wrong.

Then why the hell did you not say so?

> If we push the system so much that we get MemoryErrors, the
> system might start swapping and other things might fail too. Instead, we
> should make sure we don't use crazy amounts of memory but fail
> gracefully.

I don't think that is possible with the way we use git at the moment.
But that discussion belongs in the PR. So add a comment to the PR already.

> But I haven't had time to investigate and propose a better
> solution.
'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
So even though there is a bigger problem we need to solve in the FUTURE,
why the hell can we not solve a small part of the problem NOW?

> > This can not continue in this way. This project is now almost 3 years
> > old and we have very little to show for ourselves. In fact there were
> > questions if this project is actually alive (can't find the link right
> > now). And I can't blame anybody to think so. Kallithea has improved
> > very little. Version 0.3 is 20 month ago.
> >
> > So my questions to you guys is this:
> > What are your future plans for this project?
> My plan is to keep improving it, as contributions, time and priorities
> allow it.
> > Are there any chances that this project will start moving more quickly?
> Yes, if more people help by adding more resources and by helping us
> utilize resources better.
> Contributors can help reviewing, testing and improving contributions
> from others to the point where they are willing to put it in production
> right away and support it long term.
> Code contributors can also help by following the contributor guidelines
> and structure the code changes in such a way that they are easy to
> review and maintain.
> /Mads
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