On 4/8/20 7:26 PM, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:
When a user starts editing on a head but then a new commit on top of
that head is pushed before the user finishes editing, should result in
a similar confirmation question as above, I think, and not necessarily
a refusal to continue.

Sure. Showing the warning and allowing the user to confirm would be a good way to move on from a first refusal to edit in an unexpected way.

Because I don't think we can differentiate
whether a user 'intentionally' started from a head, or that the
revision they wanted to edit just happens to be a head.

It should be trivial to differentiate if the edit form has a visible or hidden flag indicating "appending on tip-most head", "appending a non-tip-most head and making it tip-most", or "known to introduce additional head".

So based on the discussion so far, it seems you would not add a
per-repo setting that states whether multi-heads are allowed, but
rather trust the users with write access to the repo to correctly
understand and respond to the confirmation message to be added.

People with write access will be able to push new branches and heads anyway. My main concern is to make sure the UI nudge towards the simple non-lossy "append-only on tip-most head".


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