
Could you provide the full stacktrace please?


On Fri, May 15, 2020, 04:14 Louis Bertrand <louis.bertr...@durhamcollege.ca>

> Hello,
> I get a strange exception when trying to create the database for a fresh
> installation of Kallithea. The exception complains about unknown user
> "user" even though I specified --user=Kallithea on the command line.
> The full command line, run as user Kallithea:
> $ kallithea-cli db-create -c my.ini --user=kallithea --password=blahblah
> --email=kallit...@domain.tld --repos=/var/lib/kallithea/repos
> The exception seems to be raised by psycopg2 when connecting to the
> database, and called from sqlalchemy:
> conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory, **kwasync)
> psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user
> "user"
> The user kallithea exists as a PostgreSQL role and has createdb
> permission, but it seems that the user name doesn't get through to
> sqlalchemy because it's using "user" instead of the name supplied on the
> command line.
> Any ideas? Full rollback available if you wish.
> Thanks
>  --Louis
> Louis Bertrand, P.Eng.
> Professor, School of Science and Engineering Technology
> Durham College, Oshawa ON Canada
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