On 8/13/20 1:47 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
    > On 8/13/20 10:39 AM, Uwe Brauer wrote:

    > We can improve the documentation to say something like

    > but I don't know if we should go into details on how to do it on each OS.

    > Googling for "ubuntu /usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory"
    > gives some helpful answers - including https://askubuntu.com/a/1053068

    > This stacktrace shows Python catching that license-checker failed. Was
    > there any output before this, after "Generating LICENSES.txt"?

    > I guess this perhaps could be caused by partial installation from
    > previous attempts. Try to delete kallithea/front-end/node_modules/ and
    > try again.

Contrary to my previous email, pip installed kallithea system wide in

Oh. That means it must have been installed as root. I guess we should clarify documentation to say something like:

Kallithea should not be installed or run as root. It is generally recommended
to create a ``kallithea`` user (and perhaps a corresponding group). The
hosted repositories will live in the file system as the user Kallithea is
running as. For some setups, it might be most convenient to use the web server user, but web servers generally allow web applications to run as other users.

pip and npm running as root might leave bits and pieces all over the system, mixed up with package manager files.

So I deleted this directory and run the command again

This is the error
| Generating LICENSES.txt
| const {join, basename} = require('path')
|       ^
| SyntaxError: Unexpected token {

A npm-normalize-package-bin in that place looks like your system npm somehow was used to install another npm inside node_modules. And apparently your 'node' uses an old javascript version that doesn't support this installed npm.


It seems like your installation somehow got off track and you thus got on a bumpy road. At this point I would suggest reinstalling Ubuntu (to get an easy cleanup after the things done as root) and start over, keeping records of which choices and commands you use - that will make it easier to help if you should encounter problems again.


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