On 12/10/21 12:29, Łukasz Michalski wrote:

I would like to migrate a repository myrepo from mercurial to git.

I want to rename mercurial repository to myrepo_old and use orginal name for 
new git repository.

Is it enough to rename mercurial repository on disk and copy new one under 
original name? Old one can have some closed pull requests.

Yes, that should work and be safe, especially if you do the renaming and repo creation in Kallithea. The new repo will be "different" from the old one, even if the name is reused. Access rules and PRs etc will be different.

Internally, Kallithea is using numerical primary key IDs to store database data. The (current) repository name is only used to look up the ID when a user is accessing web interface or with protocol access, and again when finding the repository on disk. Only the access log will not only use the ID but laso duplicate the (current) repository name so the logs are useful, even if the repo is removed completely.


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