On Sunday 01 March 2009 06:51:09 Gloria W wrote:
>  Hi all,
>  I am testing things, trying to get a small modification to this example
> working correctly: http://www.kamaelia.org/Home

By this, I'm assuming you mean this:


>  I've simple added this line:
>  self.send("Testing..1.2.3...",'outbox')
>  between these two lines:
> while not self.doShutdown():
>             if self.dataReady("inbox"):

Like this?

ie (diff) :

> and it does nothing. yielding it also does nothing. I should be able to
> write to the console without receiving data from it, I hope. What am I
> missing?

I'm not sure. The pastebin above works. (floods the screen
with "Testing..1.2.3..." )

> Also, this is interesting:
>    ChatServer(port=1501).run()
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Kamaelia/Internet/TCPServer.py", line
> 144, in makeTCPServerPort s.bind((HOST,PORT))
>    File "<string>", line 1, in bind
>  socket.error: (98, 'Address already in use')
>  It locks the port for about a minute after every run, then finally frees
> it, this error goes away, and I can finally reconnect.

That's normal and part of the TCP stack's normal behaviour. In that 60 
seconds, if you quickly type:

  netstat -natp |grep TIME_WAIT

You'll see a line like this:
tcp        0      0         TIME_WAIT

>From this diagram:

You'll see that if the server side ends up in this state (bottom middle of the 
diagram) that it's expected to wait for 2 segment lifetimes ... which is your 
60 seconds.

Can you change this behaviour ? Yes. 2 ways: 1) on the system globally. 
Generally considered a bad idea, unless you really know what you're doing.
2) Change the behaviour of the server to say "yes, allow this port to be 
reused, even within the 2 segment lifetimes".

The latter you do by changing the socket options.

Assuming you've done this:

class ChatServer(ServerCore):

You add in this:

class ChatServer(ServerCore):
    socketOptions=(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

Alternatively, if you don't want change the ChatServer class definition, you 
can change this line:
>    ChatServer(port=1501).run()

                    socketOptions=(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

One thing I've thought about several times is whether this reuse of the socket 
address should be the default or not. There are pros and cons.

    1 Don't have this explanation periodically :)
    2 Allows instant server respawn
    3 Simplifies many setups

    1 When it goes wrong harder to explain why :)
    2 Instant server respawn means that clients connected which are expecting
       segments can get confused. Generally this means they'll get a socket
       error and need to reconnect. That said, if the server restarts, that'd
       be necessary anyway, with or without the MSL behaviour.
       - Specifically what's happening in this scenario is the server is
        shutting down without the clients being disconnected, leaving each
        connection in an unexpected state, hence the TIME_WAIT state on the
        server socket.
    3 Need a way of switching off this behaviour.

Personally I think pro.3 outweighs everything else, but I don't generally like 
reusing default behaviours.

>  Thanks in advance for your help!

You're welcome :)


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