Michael -

Thanks for taking a look at this.  All in all I'm very impressed by
Kamaelia and look forward to working with it.


On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 5:07 PM, Michael Sparks <spark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Miles,
> On Mar 1, 3:50 pm, Miles <clar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All -
>> I had a bit of a problem installing Kamaelia 0.6.0 under Windows, and
>> I thought I'd pass along my experience.
> Many thanks for this, it's really useful - I personally tend to only
> use Kamaelia on Linux or Mac OS X[1], so reports like this are very
> welcome.
>  [1] the former more than the latter
>> I'm using Python 2.6.1 on Windows XP Service Pack 3.
>> * Kamaelia appears to require setuptools to install.  Setuptools
>> doesn't have a Windows installer for 2.6, so I installed from source
>> using python setup.py install.  Not a big deal, but still a touch
>> clumsy.
> This was a decision taken after Pycon UK last year when there were
> comments
> that it would be nice to use easy_install to install Kamaelia. I
> personally
> tend prefer a "python setup.py install" approach, but it seemed a
> relatively
> simple change. I wasn't aware at the time of this issue with
> setuptools on
> windows.
>> * Once setuptools was installed, I tried "easy_install Kamaelia".
>> This resulted in the following stack trace:
> ...
>>     dir = convert_path(f[0])
>>   File "c:\Python26\lib\distutils\util.py", line 164, in convert_path
>>     raise ValueError, "path '%s' cannot be absolute" % pathname
>> ValueError: path '/usr/local/share/kamaelia' cannot be absolute
> This was recently raised by another person on the list, but I hadn't
> had
> a chance to look into resolving the issue (cf note above).
>> Installing Kamaelia from source (python setup.py install) gave me the
>> same error.
> Indeed.
>> The problem appears to be the following line in setup.py:
>> data_files=[ ('/usr/local/share/kamaelia', ['App/
>> kamaelia_logo.png']) ],
>> I changed this to:
>> data_files=[ ('share/kamaelia', ['App/kamaelia_logo.png']) ],
>> and it seemed to work (it place the logo under the egg directory in
>> share/kamaelia).
> Interesting. I'll explore how that works on Linux/Mac OS X and find
> out
> where things get put (or rather how apps can find them). This had been
> discussed on IRC in the past couple of days as well, and I was
> pondering
> how to resolve this, and this looks like a potential solution -
> thanks! :)
>> Is anyone using Kamaelia under Windows in production?   I'm evaluating
>> it for this purpose and any feedback would be helpful.  Thanks!
> I don't know of anyone using Kamaelia under windows in production.
> However, we have put fixes in for windows in the past when issues have
> been discovered (for example different errno's for socket errors from
> Unix), and significant chunks of code should just work.
> My suggestion would be to play with the system to see if it fits your
> usecase, and to let us know if you encounter any issues. My
> expectation is
> that thinks should generally just work, depending on what you're
> aiming to
> do.
> However I won't come outright and say "This will definitely be
> perfect" for
> the simple reason I don't personally use Kamaelia on windows enough to
> feel
> comfortable making that claim (I tend to be cautious :) .
> Regards,
> Michael.
> --
> http://yeoldeclue.com/blog
> http://twitter.com/kamaelian
> http://www.kamaelia.org/Home
> >

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