Title: RE: Perl.com Newsletter: Larry Wall's State of the Onion


From: Mike Coleman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > The State of the Onion 5
> If I read this correctly, it sounds like Larry wants to
> remove the standard library from the Perl distribution.
> Does this seem like a worrisome idea to anyone else?
> It seems like it's pretty nice to have one particular
> (for example) CGI module that's blessed as being a good
> one to use, for people who don't have the time or
> interest to check them all out.

I took it to mean that things like ExtUtils::, B::, IO::, etc. would remain, But that anything that could be separated from CORE Perl would be.

I think the reason behind this is more than the comment made about ISPs not being favorably inclined to install new modules. In Perl 5.7.2 and 5.8.0 the standard library is and will be humongous. There's already a backlash starting. Besides, everything will have to be rewritten for Perl 6 anyway. (Though Perl 5 code will still run).

To counter this however, there has been a lot of talk about the "best" way to allow people to download, compile, and install modules on-demand. So, it may be that the size of your standard Perl distribution will shrink dramatically with Perl 6, but that doesn't mean you won't have access to everything you need when you need it.


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