The latest update, forwarded to the KCPM list
for your deleting peasure

--david nicol


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Hello, world!

This is Simon Cozens, managing editor of, here to
bring you the week's news and developments both in the Perl
world and on our own site.

* Perl at large.

First of all, we've got some really good news for mod_perl users!
Ticketmaster, one of the web's leading ticket agents, have hired
Stas Beckman for a year to develop mod_perl towards version 2.0.
Stas joins Larry and Damian in the ranks of Perl Indentured Slaves;
we're seeing more and more businesses "sponsor" Perl and open source
developers to do their thing, and this can only be good for us all.

European Perl Hackers may like to know that the German Perl
Workshop 4.0, 2002, has issued its first call for papers. The
conference will run from Friday February the 13th to the 15th at
the Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, in Sankt Augustin. Like, but
unaffiliated to, YAPC, the German Perl Workshop is another non-profit
conference, mainly covered by its sponsors. They're currently looking
for tutors, workshop presenters and speakers - and, of course,
attendees, so if you're probably going to be around Europe next
February, make sure to check them out:

And finally... what *have* I created? Last week, we reported on
Ask Bjorn Hansen's mod_parrot experiments; this week, Ask and Leon
Brocard have set up the "parrotcode" site, with Parrot tutorials
and examples.  Leon has even ported a Mandelbrot set generator to

More seriously, (and deeply more embarrassingly) one of the Python
developers has already started porting Python to Parrot.

* What's new on

I'm still looking for a volunteer to take over the Perl 6 summaries.
Please let me know if you can help. Ahbijit Menon-Sen, Artur Bergman
and others have volunteered to share the load of the Perl 5 Porters
summaries, and they will recommence beginning next week.

I know I've said this several times before, but this time it might
actually be accurate: the rumblings are getting louder and louder
that we'll be able to bring you an Apocalypse and an Exegesis this
week. The subject matter will be Perl 6's operators, including some
interesting surprises. Stay tuned to later in the week.

Right now, though, I can offer you a brilliant introduction to the
world of asymmetric cryptography. Last month, we had an article
from Ahbijit on symmetric cryptography: this is fine if you and I
can meet and exchange a key before we send our super-secret messages.
But what if we can never meet up - like, say, people on the Internet.
Asymmetric crypto allows us to securely transmit secrets without even
needing to share common information in advance. And as with all good
things in life, it can all be done in Perl.


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*** Featured Articles ***

Asymmetric Cryptography in Perl
Last month, we had an article from Abhijit Menon-Sen about symmetric
cryptography; this month, Vipul Ved Prakash and Benjamin Trott take
us on a tour of its more advanced cousin, asymmetric cryptography.
This introductory article is the first in a three-part series.


Writing SAX Drivers for Non-XML Data
Kip Hampton shows us how to write drivers to produce SAX events and,
thus, XML documents from non-XML data sources.


Parrot : Some Assembly Required
Last week, the first version of the Parrot assembler and virtual
machine was released; since then, we've seen a flurry of activity
and patches to it. Simon Cozens tells us all about what Parrot
is, how it relates to Perl 6, how to write in Parrot assembler,
and how to get involved in developing and improving Parrot.


wxPerl: Another GUI for Perl
Jouke Visse brings us a new tutorial on how to use wxPerl to create
good-looking GUIs for Perl programs.


Changing Hash Behaviour with tie
Hashes are one of the most useful data structures Perl provides,
but did you know you can make them even more useful by changing
the way they work? Dave Cross shows us how it's done.


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