raptor wrote:
> hi,
> Any idea what the "continuation" will be ?

something like

                C<Continue> forks the current process and
                returns, into the child, a coderef which,
                when run, will
                wake up the sleeping process and then
                wait for it to exit, returning its status.

                In the event that the original code dies, the 
                waiting process (the parent) will get a SIGCHLD
                and bail out, possibly duplicating some buffered

        sub Continue(){
           my $Parent = $$;
           my $Child = fork;
           $Child < 0 and die "Continue could not fork: $!";
           unless ($Child){
              return sub {
                 kill ALRM => $Parent;
                    or die "continuation $Parent not waiting");
                 waitpid $Parent, 0;
              local $SIG{CHLD} = sub {exit};
              alarm 0;
              return undef;

only not quite so broad-axed as to what gets kept and what

Is the above worth putting on CPAN?

Is there a way to identify when a parent process ends?
Is the semantics of continuations bailing out when the
parent dies worth losing the meaning of $$ ?  Having
the continuation live in the child process certainly is
superior to having the continuation live in the parent
in all aspects except for death-of-original.  Like
having Continue append pids to an array and an

        END {

                kill TERM <= $_ foreach @Continue::Continuations


in there too...

                                           David Nicol 816.235.1187

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