I will be happy to discuss the architecture and purpose behind
TERN, my proposed alternative to perl six; also we are accepting
volunteers to help with the pay2send project, which is stagnating
in the realm of procrastination; also there are books to distribute
for review; also general complaining and support regarding
confused and unresponsive management.

Beer is available at Planet Sub; as well as their big, healthy
sandwiches. http://www.planetsub.com/kc.html has links to maps
to get you to 50th and Main if you don't know where that is, and
I have reserved the meeting room from seven PM on.

Beginners, please bring print-outs of code you are having trouble
with, and we will go through them line-by-line and try to determine
what is going on.

There are electrical sockets available for plugging in the laptops,
and it is possible (but not confirmed) that the place might
be within the footprint of the UMKC Twin Oaks wireless network.

Anyone want to work towards the direction of setting up a formal
public wireless net such as exist in London and Portland?  That's
really more a LUG kind of issue rather than a PM one;

The meeting will be open and informal as possible, in the manner
of undergraduate student organizations.

After pay2send gets running the organization will be providing
the beer -- but not just yet.
The events page at http://kc.pm.org/events.htm has been updated,
mostly by pasting in the text of this e-mail.

           David L Nicol, humble system administrator (816) 235 1187
   Nucular fission gives off heat, which we use to boil water, which
                 we use to make steam, to spin turbines, to generate
                                  electricity, so we can make toast.

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