You know ... when I originally sent this I thought it was funny though I 
did forget my smiley, but now I am thinking maybe I am more tired then 
I orginally thought and should step away from the keyboard ...  

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, D. Hageman wrote:

> On Sun, 21 Jul 2002, david nicol wrote:
> > One nifty thing you can do with pipe is use -print0 which
> > will zero-delilmit the file names instead of putting each on its own
> > line.  It is NOT POSSIBLE to have a \0 within a file name.
> This is incorrect.  It is completely possible to have a \0 in a filename.  
> Simple experiment ... 
> [dhageman@typhon dhageman]$ vim '\0'
> [dhageman@typhon dhageman]$ ls -l
> total 252
> -rw-rw-r--    1 dhageman dhageman        0 Jul 22 01:36 \0
> Now the likelihood of encountering such is actually very small.

||  D. Hageman                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ||

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