Title: RE: October 15th Meeting
Would anyone like to consider an occasional luch meeting?
Lezlie Martin
home and work zip are 66212
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Garrett Goebel
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 12:36 PM
Subject: RE: October 15th Meeting

[Let's try that again... I love that Outlook97 feature which decides to convert plain text to rtf. At least this time it should come across in a fixed type font.]

Okay, here's what I've got. Please help me fill in the empty zipcodes if there are any by your name. Also please double check that I've got your "bad days" down right.

                                       Bad Days
[name]            [Work] [Home] [M][T][W][Th][F][S][Su]
Clouse, Stephen           66204  X     X  X   X  X  X
Cowdrick, Charles         64109           X   X  X  X
Dumler, David      66210      
Goebel, Garrett    66202  66202               X  X  X
Kulchenko, Paul                  --------------------
Merritt, Shannon          66062  X               X
Moore, Andrew             64114
Nicole, David                    --------------------
Ostrowski, Dan            66610  X  X  X  X   X
Otterson, Gary     64085  64057               X  X  X
Sparling, Doug     66205                      X  X  X
Spurgin, Daniel                

The next meeting is currently scheduled for October 15th at 7PM. And based on lack of objections and incomplete zipcode data we're looking for meeting locations on the west side of Kansas City around either I435/I70 or I435/K10/I35. The current contenders are:

Main library just East of I-35 on 87th
Johnson County Community College 12345 College Blvd (between I-35 and 69)

If you have any suggested additions please let me know.

--We're also in dire need of meeting topics and presenters.

Suggested Meeting format and topics for Oct. 15th:
o  Introductions:   Welcome back old members and new
o  Brain Teaser:    An instructive puzzle or coding contest ([Your Name?])
o  Book Review:     [Insert Title Here] ([Your Name?])
o  Lightning Talks: Template::ToolKit? Suggestions? ([Your Name?])
o  Administrata:    Meeting Format, Location, and Schedule Discussion
o  Feature (Basic): Object Oriented Perl 101 (Garrett Goebel)

My thoughts are that the Brain Teaser should take between 5-15 minutes, the book review likewise, Lightning Talks 5 minutes each, Administrata 5-15 minutes, and a feature from 30 minutes to 2+ hours.

On the topic of book reviews, if you are interested in an O'Reilly book or a Perl book from another publisher, contact me and I'll try to get you a copy for review. The catch is of course that you have to write up and present a review for both our group and the publisher ;)

Lightning Talks for the unfamiliar are supposed to be no longer than 5 minutes, and just enough information to introduce a topic without going into tiny little details. I'm kind of hoping we can get the people to present lightning talks to preview features they intend to present in a following meeting. Kind of a whet our appetite type of thing, while allowing the presenter to get a feel for the intended audience.

While Administrata shouldn't take more than 5-15 minutes on average... I'm guessing it'll take at least an hour this time around.

Thoughts? Volunteers? Questions? Comments? Alternative lines of thought?

Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist
ScriptPro                   Direct: 913.403.5261
5828 Reeds Road               Main: 913.384.1008
Mission, KS 66202              Fax: 913.384.2180
www.scriptpro.com          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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