> > Creating a dependency on Python? Is a non-issue. Current systems that
> > are to run 2.5 or 2.6 are bloated beyond belief by glibc already, Python
> > is nice and it does not create such unmaintainable mess. Whether
> Python2 - which means most users dont have it.

I'm pretty sure that's true any more, Alan.  Red Hat shipped Python 2 in
7.1, so the RPM-based distros like KRUD and Mandrake have had it for
seven months. Debian had it before that.   

Requiring 2.0 looked aggressive when I did it, but it wasn't -- I could
safely project that it would be deployed everywhere except on a set of
measure zero by the time the actual cutover happened.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

"Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, 
and therefore deprive them of arms."

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