Keith Owens wrote:

>On Mon, 06 May 2002 12:10:09 +1000, 
>Brendan J Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I'm using a Configuration Management System that is pointing to kernel 
>>2.4.18 source header files but an application can not find autoconf.h 
>>which is included by config.h.
>That violates Linus's rule that application code must not include
>kernel headers directly.  I agree with that rule, as do all the major
>kernel developers.
>The application code is wrong.  Applications must not rely on accessing
>the "current" kernel headers.  Applications must not assume that the
>booted kernel matches the headers the application was compiled with.
>You must cope with version skew between kernel and user space.
I agree with all this.  I'm not implying otherwise.
What I want to know is how do I _install_ linux kernel header files 
(since I can't _directly_ use the ones supplied with the kernel source).
Is it as simple as copying all the linux header files that come in the 
tarball _AND_ the generated header files to the desired directory (eg. 
/usr/include/linux) ?
Is there a way to do this with kbuild ?
Does anyone know how Linux distros (debian, redhat, etc) populate the 
linux header files in /usr/include/linux ?  Is a crude copy or is it 
done via a make target ?

Brendan Simon.


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