[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sam Ravnborg)  wrote on 31.05.02 in 

>       for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
>           char c = name[i];
> -         if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);
> +         if (isupper((int)c)) c = tolower((int)c);
>           if (c == '_')   c = '/';
>           pc[i] = c;
>       }
[and so on]

This isn't a fix, it's a bug.

Isupper, tolower and friends need to have unsigned char arguments (widened  
as usual, but the compiler already takes care of that - casting chars to  
ints in arguments is just silly). (If you can have EOF, of course, then  
you can't use chars in the first place, but that's not relevant here.)

MfG Kai


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