--- Comment #8 from ---
I checked it with the 5.2.6 version and it went the same way, krita crashed. 
Also its worth to note that after the first shm init and unlink weird line goes
to output.

krita: Unknown option 'c'.

full log:
macos@macoss-Mac-Pro ~ % /Applications/
2024-10-31 16:45:08.591 krita[1271:30582] WARNING: Secure coding is
automatically enabled for restorable state! However, not on all supported macOS
versions of this application. Opt-in to secure coding explicitly by
implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState:.
qt.qpa.fonts: Populating font family aliases took 100 ms. Replace uses of
missing font family ".AppleSystemUIFont" with one that exists to avoid this
Invalid profile :  "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles//WebSafeColors.icc"
QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot have negative intervals
/Applications/ added to
qt.svg: Cannot open file ':/icons/debug_arrow.svg', because: No such file or
qt.svg: Cannot open file ':/icons/debug_arrow.svg', because: No such file or
krita: Unknown option 'c'.

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