--- Comment #39 from Filip <> ---
The output of the "tr '\0' '\n' < /proc/`pidof kwin_x11`/environ | grep KWIN"
command is:

Here is the kwin support information output:

Hmm, I had not considered TearFree as the suspect, but I will now turn it off,
set kwin's tearing prevention to Automatic and try to see if the glitches will
appear. The reason why I didn't think it was AMD was: 1) no glitches in KDE 4
with TearFree on; 2) no glitches in XFCE with kwin and TearFree; 3) fiddling
with kwin's options made them go away sometimes; 4) I think I remember seeing
those exact glitches in a live Kubuntu image with Plasma 5.1, which definitely
had open source AMD drivers (but can't be 100% sure, of course). Puzzling. I'm
not exactly sure why I even switched to TearFree way back in KDE 4, but I think
might have experienced a rare case of tearing that made me do it. 

Anyway, I will report back if I've experienced the glitching. Unfortunately
with TearFree off, tearing now appears in Xonotic regardless of the in-game
Vsync option being turned on, but that is a much more preferable situation than
experiencing workspace glitches, however, still not ideal since it seems like
TearFree works ok with KDE 4 and XFCE. 

Thanks for the quick reply and the Shift+Alt+F12 tip!

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