--- Comment #2 from Ashark <> ---
Here is my exploration path:
1) "Show background" sting is contained in titlewidget_ui.ui. Name of checkbox
widget is "displayBg".
2) "displayBg" is mentioned in titlewidget.cpp on line 229:
 connect(displayBg, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this,
 and there is TitleWidget::displayBackgroundFrame() method.
3) TitleWidget::displayBackgroundFrame() is defined in the same file on line
840. It checks if checkbox is activated and if yes,
 emit signal requestBackgroundFrame(true);

Also this file contains 
void TitleWidget::slotGotBackground(const QImage &img)(const QImage &img)
    QRectF r = m_frameBorder->sceneBoundingRect();
    m_frameImage->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(img.scaled(r.width() / 2,
r.height() / 2)));
    emit requestBackgroundFrame(false);

As you can see, it already gets image as a parameter.
So we should find where it prepares image and I think temporary disable title
clip before getting it.
But I could not find place where slotGotBackground(const QImage &img) is called

4) Perhaps bin.cpp is a place where title editing is done (line 3393 says
"TODO: move title editing into a better place..."). File contains the
connect(&dia_ui, &TitleWidget::requestBackgroundFrame,
pCore->monitorManager()->projectMonitor(), &Monitor::slotGetCurrentImage);

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