--- Comment #7 from Jarosław Staniek <> ---
If the new table has all the fields used by given query then the query is
correct. If not, then the query needs manual correction, there's nothing
computers can "guess". 

By extension, if the query that report(s) use is invalid, reports won't be able
to execute them so they won't switch to data view. Correct query first...

Regarding backups of .kexi files, it's as simple as backing up files (e.g.
copying). Close Kexi first before copying opened files. Mostly it means you
will save unsaved data or designs before.

Copying reports from other projects (e.g. files) is not yet supported in the
GUI. I can do that for you once or two times if really needed. It would be good
if you file a wish about the feature.

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