--- Comment #10 from ---
Btw, I spotted a problem in the proposed patch.

The current fix uses "(|Math)" to identify a regular expression group that
might or might not match "Math". Unfortunately, this is a capturing group, so
the QRegExp object will capture "Math". Later on in the code, the captured text
are used to identify the current version of Sage. The fix thus interferes with
this procedure.

The solution I propose (see attachment) uses non-capturing groups to achieve
the same result.
Extract of command line output with the current patch (using Sage 6.9):
found version:  ("SageMath Version 6.9", "Math", "6", "9")
using an old version of sage:  0 . 6 . Using the old init command
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-4afd552cec94> in <module>()
----> 1 __CANTOR_IPYTHON_SHELL__.autoindent=False

Using the patch I propose:
found version:  ("SageMath Version 6.9", "6", "9")
using the current set of commands

Please see attachment.

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