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--- Comment #23 from ---
Just went through this 'lag' on a clean Opensuse Leap 42.3 install.
- Happens on dolphin startup and Open/Save boxes in any KDE app
- not having such a lag on another hardware with similar software.
So went into personal notes (from years ago) and found something relevant.

Symptom : On laptops, some user actions (open dolph, right click on dolphin
folder,...) produce a noticeable delay before UI responds.

Fact : Kdirlister spends significant time enumerating /sys (sub)folders

Fact : Unmounting SYSFS suppresses the lag (but breaks pretty much anything

Fact : Unloading 'battery' kernel module suppresses the lag.

Action : /etc/modprobe.d/99-local.conf
  options battery cache_time=60000

Question :
Why does KDE (core / framework / ...) have to "actively" (and "blockingly")
query battery status, and probably other hardware stuff, on user actions ?
Could this be instead managed by a background KDE cache ?
Not a bug, but a serious UI responsiveness issue.

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