--- Comment #1 from Paul Floyd <> ---
The LLVM libcxx implementation of aligned new does the following:

void *
operator new(std::size_t size, std::align_val_t alignment) _THROW_BAD_ALLOC
    set size to at least 1
    set align to at least size of void*
    ::posix_memalign(&p, static_cast<size_t>(alignment), size)
   if failed throw bad_alloc
   return pointer

The other aligned operator news just call the above one. The aligned deletes
just call ordinary delete. There is some conditional compilation for MSVCRT but
that should not be a concern.

The libstdc++ is quite similar

operator new (std::size_t sz, std::align_val_t al)
  set size to at least 1
  round up size to a multiple of alignment
  allocate with 'aligned_alloc' which is a wrapper around posix_memalign or
malloc if posix_memalign is not available

  if failed throw bad_alloc
   return pointer

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