--- Comment #2 from Toni Asensi Esteve <> ---
> Toni, can you share the link to krusader-users ML discussion?

Yes, a link is!msg/krusader-users/EAfQ8xyK938/U0npK5Q5BAAJ

> Since "Unselect files before copy/move" is a feasible workaround, I'm moving 
> this to wishlist for now.

I wouldn't say so, we have also to take into account that new Krusader users
(and Krusader users that do not know about this new subject) have to, manually,
unselect files after every copy/move operation (as they are not aware of the
"Unselect files before copy/move" checkbox) and they are used to work as
Krusader did (and as Midnight Commander, Total Commander, etc. do). This is
annoying for them :-(

> I haven't got "but it would also have that effect nowadays: unwanted 
> unselected files after a drag&drop" - why is this unwanted?

If nowadays the user goes to
    Settings > Configure Krusader... > Panel
and checks "Unselect files before copy/move" then file deselections seems to
work like in other programs (Total Commander, Midnight Commander) although...
if he uses drag&drop, and cancels the operation, then the files are unselected
(normally the user doesn't want that, because no copy/move operation was done).


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