--- Comment #5 from Paul Andrel <> ---
Looks to be good now, after doing an apt clean && apt update && apt upgrade.

pandrel@paul-desktop:~$ plasmashell 
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet preload policy set to 1
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Parse error in 
"/home/pandrel/.config/menus/applications-merged/" ,
line  1 , col  1 :  "unexpected end of file" The desktop entry file
"/usr/share/applications/org.kde.drkonqi.desktop" has Type= "Application" but
no Exec line
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Invalid Service : 
"/usr/share/applications/org.kde.drkonqi.desktop" The desktop entry file
"/usr/share/applications/org.kde.systemmonitor.desktop" has Type= "Application"
but no Exec line
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Invalid Service : 
Warning: all files used by qml by the plasmoid should be in ui/. The file in
the path
was expected at
Warning: all files used by qml by the plasmoid should be in ui/. The file in
the path
was expected at
trying to show an empty dialog
trying to show an empty dialog
trying to show an empty dialog
evaluating startup script:
Plasma Shell startup completed
Activity added twice "58212b95-f314-45d0-890c-48439e1ccf37"
QObject::connect: No such slot KIO::ListJob::slotTotalSize(KIO::filesize_t)
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Application Launcher" with a weight of 100
Connecting to deprecated signal
Trying to use rootObject before initialization is completed, whilst using
setInitializationDelayed. Forcing completion
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
trying to show an empty dialog
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Digital Clock" with a weight of 50
Warning: all files used by qml by the plasmoid should be in ui/. The file in
the path
was expected at
trying to show an empty dialog
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Audio Volume" with a weight of 50
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Clipboard" with a weight of 50
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Device Notifier" with a weight of 50
Trying to use rootObject before initialization is completed, whilst using
setInitializationDelayed. Forcing completion
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "KDE Connect" with a weight of 50
Warning: all files used by qml by the plasmoid should be in ui/. The file in
the path
was expected at
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Notifications" with a weight of 50
libkcups: Create-Printer-Subscriptions last error: 0 successful-ok
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Printers" with a weight of 50
libkcups: Get-Jobs last error: 0 successful-ok
libkcups: Get-Jobs last error: 0 successful-ok
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Updates" with a weight of 50
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Vaults" with a weight of 50
libkcups: 0
libkcups: 0
Warning: all files used by qml by the plasmoid should be in ui/. The file in
the path
was expected at
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Battery and Brightness" with a weight of 50
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
networkmanager-qt: void
NetworkManager::NetworkManagerPrivate::propertiesChanged(const QVariantMap&)
Unhandled property "AllDevices"
networkmanager-qt: void
NetworkManager::NetworkManagerPrivate::propertiesChanged(const QVariantMap&)
Unhandled property "Devices"
networkmanager-qt: void
NetworkManager::NetworkManagerPrivate::propertiesChanged(const QVariantMap&)
Unhandled property "GlobalDnsConfiguration"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "LldpNeighbors"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "Real"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "LldpNeighbors"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "Real"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "LldpNeighbors"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "Real"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "LldpNeighbors"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "Real"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "LldpNeighbors"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "Real"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "LldpNeighbors"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "Real"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "LldpNeighbors"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "Real"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "LldpNeighbors"
networkmanager-qt: virtual void
NetworkManager::DevicePrivate::propertyChanged(const QString&, const QVariant&)
Unhandled property "Real"
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Networks" with a weight of 50
Warning: all files used by qml by the plasmoid should be in ui/. The file in
the path
was expected at
org.kde.plasmaquick: New Applet  "Bluetooth" with a weight of 50
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Application Launcher" after 0 seconds
Empty filename passed to function
KAStatsFavoritesModel::setFavorites is ignored
KActivities: Database connection: 
    query_only:          QVariant(qlonglong, 1) 
    journal_mode:        QVariant(QString, "wal") 
    wal_autocheckpoint:  QVariant(qlonglong, 100) 
    synchronous:         QVariant(qlonglong, 0)
Closing SQL connection:  "kactivities_db_resources_139771040540864_readonly"
Entry is not valid "kontact.desktop" 0x53db5f0
Entry is not valid "ktp-contactlist.desktop" 0x535ffa0
trying to show an empty dialog
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Application Launcher" loaded after 89 msec
Plasma Shell startup completed
Currrent active notifications: QHash()
Guessing partOf as: 0
 New Notification:  "Wired connection 2" "Connection 'Wired connection 2'
activated." -1 & Part of: 0
Currrent active notifications: QHash(("notification 1", "Network
managementWired connection 2"))
Guessing partOf as: 0
 New Notification:  "Wired connection 1" "Connection 'Wired connection 1'
activated." -1 & Part of: 0
trying to show an empty dialog
Unable to assign [undefined] to int
Unable to assign [undefined] to QQmlListModel*
ReferenceError: appIcon is not defined
Unable to assign [undefined] to int
Unable to assign [undefined] to QQmlListModel*
ReferenceError: appIcon is not defined
using... PackageKit::Transaction(0x4878070) "/2296_eeaddcdd"
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Audio Volume" after 2.122 seconds
QML ColumnLayout: Binding loop detected for property "maximumWidth"
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Audio Volume" loaded after 64 msec
KActivities: Database connection: 
    query_only:          QVariant(qlonglong, 1) 
    journal_mode:        QVariant(QString, "wal") 
    wal_autocheckpoint:  QVariant(qlonglong, 100) 
    synchronous:         QVariant(qlonglong, 0)
Entry is not valid "kontact.desktop" 0x6279ce0
Entry is not valid "ktp-contactlist.desktop" 0x6279ce0
Entry is not valid "kontact.desktop" 0x6279ce0
Entry is not valid "ktp-contactlist.desktop" 0x6279ce0
Closing SQL connection:  "kactivities_db_resources_139771040540864_readonly"
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Printers" after 1.306 seconds
libkcups: CUPS-Get-Printers last error: 0 successful-ok
libkcups: Cancel-Subscription last error: 0 successful-ok
libkcups: Create-Printer-Subscriptions last error: 0 successful-ok
QML PropertyChanges: Cannot assign to non-existent property "tooltipText"
QML PropertyChanges: Cannot assign to non-existent property "tooltipText"
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Printers" loaded after 9 msec
libkcups: 3 "Dell2130cn"
QML PropertyChanges: Cannot assign to non-existent property "tooltipText"
QML PropertyChanges: Cannot assign to non-existent property "tooltipText"
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Clipboard" after 2.896 seconds
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Clipboard" loaded after 70 msec
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Updates" after 1.937 seconds
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Updates" loaded after 4 msec
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Digital Clock" after 3.412 seconds
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.
trying to show an empty dialog
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Digital Clock" loaded after 85 msec
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Vaults" after 2.282 seconds
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Vaults" loaded after 3 msec
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Bluetooth" after 1.941 seconds
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Bluetooth" loaded after 51 msec
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "KDE Connect" after 2.719 seconds
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "KDE Connect" loaded after 5 msec
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Notifications" after 2.959 seconds
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Notifications" loaded after 0 msec
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Device Notifier" after 4.4 seconds
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Device Notifier" loaded after 25 msec
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Battery and Brightness" after 4.478
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Battery and Brightness" loaded after 51 msec
org.kde.plasmaquick: Delayed preload of  "Networks" after 4.346 seconds
org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet "Networks" loaded after 68 msec

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