--- Comment #7 from Matt Scheirer <> ---
I've also got this bug, but interestingly unlike Pants this bug occurs on all
versions of Krita I have available - including 3.3 and current master built

Here is a recording of it in action:

The cursor is in the right spot with mouse and tablet, but the brush pen on the
canvas moves too fast when multiple monitors are attached.

Of interest is that this bug is only happening for me since I got back my AMD
graphics card. I was previously using my Intel GPU while it was out for RMA,
and when I got the replacement back this started happening. If I disable my
other monitors it works as expected, but each monitor introduces "offset" in
the direction of the addd screen, same as Pants.

I'm going to try to isolate some more variables on this behavior, because it
seems to be GPU related.

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