--- Comment #63 from Filip <> ---
I did not have success with the .desktop file that was attached in this thread,
but I did with this other one found on Reddit so I'm copy pasting it:

"I think I've found a workaround (at least for me). Create a file called
poweroff.desktop at ~/.local/share/solid/actions/ with the following content:

[Desktop Action open]
Exec=solid-hardware unmount %i &amp;&amp;  udisksctl power-off -b %d
Name=Power off device

[Desktop Entry]
X-KDE-Solid-Predicate=[ IS StorageVolume AND StorageVolume.ignored == false ]

Then log out and in again. The file creates a new entry for the device notifier
in the control panel to power off the device. The command first unmounts the
drive and then powers it off. In contrast to OP's experience my external HDD
stays off and doesn't restart again." - by a user who's now deleted his post or
even account

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