--- Comment #3 from Mayeul Cantan <> ---
> (a) can you reproduce this issue when all screens are aligned in a straight 
> line?
> (b) can you reproduce this bug if you disable the blur effect (and the 
> background contrast effect)?

Short version:
(a) Yes.
(b) Yes with blur, no with background contrast.

Longer version:

(a) It seems to happen only if the two following conditions are met:
* The two screens on the left share the same Y-coordinates
* The screen on the right is lower than this.

It doesn't happen if either:
* One screen is disabled
* The screen on the right is above
* The two left screens are misaligned

(b) The problem seems fixed now without background contrast. Furthermore, it
didn't reappear after re-enabling it.
Both blur and background contrast were originally only partially checked. I
have no idea what this means. They are both fully checked now, and it seems to
be working. This survived across a session connect-and disconnect.

That means I can't reproduce the bug anymore for now. I'll write back if it
happens again.
Thanks for your help :)

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