--- Comment #6 from ---
Thanks for the explanation. I'll give it another try (I might ask for some
additional hand-holding in IRC, if that is okay).

However, honestly, it does not sound that wrong to me for a GUI-class to also
filter parts of the the view according to the current state. I'd be comfortable
defining this as part of the formatting work. Maybe especially given how easy
the code for that is, and that these two filters are the important ones – this
does not have to snowball.

> Please read through the 
>  for why a simple reimplementation of a 
> QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow() is not enough.

Because messages deeper in threads would not be found, right? I thought if that
were a problem, it could be solved the same way
`RoleThreadRootWithUnreadMessages` seems to solve that for unread messages.

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