--- Comment #3 from Wolfgang Reissenberger <> ---
Jean-Claude, could you please be a little more specific, what the problem is?

Here some background how it is built: the meridian flip is controlled by the
Mount module. At the same time, in a capture schedule considering a meridian
flip can be defined.

When values are set in a capture schedule, the values are transferred to the
Mount tab as soon as the capture plan has been startet - but not immediately
when defining the values in the capture schedule.

When a capture schedule is executed, the Mount module takes into account
whether a capture is running a soon as the meridian flip limit has been
reached. If this is the case, it waits until the next frame has been captured -
that's why it signals "Meridian flip waiting ..."

So in case you see this message, it behaves as planned - as long as a capture
is running. Or wasn't this the case?

The only thing what seems to be a bug are the different increments in the two


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