--- Comment #44 from vialav <> ---
I see one more commit about the Python backend, with which I want to re-compile
Cantor, and then sort out the tickets. Here I just want to clarify, that my
system has a single system-wide Python2/3 installation(s), instantiated by
`python` and `python3`, accordingly, so there could be no issue with broken
Python(s), and there also is a working single system-wide Qt 5.9.5 installation
with the KDE 5.58.0 frameworks, if that matters. 

The following excerpt from my last post shows that I tried to run the hello
example ("send command" and "run first expression"), but yes, it doesn't show
up in the logs. Then I restarted the backend, and tried "1+1" ("evaluating"):

ShortcutOverride 16777220 QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifiers>(ShiftModifier)
QObject::connect: signal not found in QTimer
send command:  "login" ()
send command:  "setFilePath" ("")
evaluating:  "try:\n    import numpy\nexcept ModuleNotFoundError:\n    pass\n"
wsStatusChange 0
wsStatusChange 0
run first expression "try:\n    import numpy\nexcept ModuleNotFoundError:\n   
send command:  "code" ("try:\n    import numpy\nexcept ModuleNotFoundError:\n  
wsStatusChange 1
evaluating:  "1+1"
wsStatusChange 0

I'll do a recompilation now.

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