--- Comment #2 from Lothar <> ---
Here's some more information. The WindowList plasmoid is in the plasma5-desktop
package. But the "good" and "bad" version of the
/usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.windowlist/contents/ui/main.qml file
are almost identical. The bug must be caused by some change in the Plasma5

I've tried to debug this issue, but that's not easy without any experience in
KDE plasmoid and QtQuick programming. But it seems, that the block
"section.delegate: PlasmaComponents.Label {...}" isn't executed at all.

I've added the following statements at the end of the "ListView {...}" block:

|             Component.onCompleted: {
|               console.log("section = ", section)
|               console.log(" = ",
|               console.log("section.criteria = ", section.criteria)
|               console.log("section.delegate = ", section.delegate)
|               console.log("section.delegate.Status = ",
|               console.log("virtualDesktopInfo.numberOfDesktops = ",
|               for (var i = 0; i < virtualDesktopInfo.numberOfDesktops; ++i)
|                 console.log("  ", i, virtualDesktopInfo.desktopNames[i])
|           }

This is the output if I start it in a console window:

| $ plasmawindowed org.kde.plasma.windowlist
| org.kde.plasmaquick: Applet preload policy set to 1
| org.kde.plasma: requesting config for "Fensterliste" without a containment!
| qml: section =  QQuickViewSection(0x562837571730)
| qml: =  VirtualDesktop
| qml: section.criteria =  0
| qml: section.delegate =  QQmlComponent(0x562837725f70)
| qml: section.delegate.Status =  undefined
| qml: virtualDesktopInfo.numberOfDesktops =  8
| qml:    0 Arbeitsfläche 1
| qml:    1 Arbeitsfläche 2
| qml:    2 Arbeitsfläche 3
| qml:    3 Arbeitsfläche 4
| qml:    4 Arbeitsfläche 5
| qml:    5 Arbeitsfläche 6
| qml:    6 Arbeitsfläche 7
| qml:    7 Arbeitsfläche 8
| qml: 0

It seems, that all information is correct, there are 8 workspaces with the
correct labels. But there's no output from any console.log statement added to
the "section.delegate: PlasmaComponents.Label {...}" block.

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