--- Comment #50 from Piotr Mierzwinski <> ---
(In reply to Wolfgang Bauer from comment #48)
> (In reply to Piotr Mierzwinski from comment #47)
> > None of the tested by me applications are not restored after
> > relogin/restart.
> Where's the problem then?
Problem is that applications mentioned in next sentence are not restored after

> I suppose there is a typo in there... ;-)
Sorry for typo. English grammar is not my strength, se better would be when
"are" has been replaced with "were" or usage: "there are not restored".

> > I tested: Firefox, Thunderbird and new Opera. I think all
> > of them are based on GTK2. 
> Actually not.
> At least Firefox can be build against GTK3 since a while and I think at
> least some distributions do that (openSUSE not, yet).
OK. About Firefox you are right. I retested it again and I can say that in
Antergos Firefox is built using GTK3.

> So this might just be your point of regression...
The regression is that none of GTK2 and GTK3 applications there are not
restored. This is regression comparing to previous Plasma, because In ver.
5.5.x it was working. I tested  Kubuntu 16.04. BTW in Plasma 5 provided by this
distribution applications based on KF are not restored. I'm not going to evolve
this topic. Anyway they plan update to Plasma 5.6.x.

> No idea about the others though.
But I'm sure that the last two were built using GTK2. My test was following. I
changed "Style of GNOME application" in "System Settings" and just restarted
all tested applications.

> > All tested by me KF applications (konsole,
> > kwrite, dolphin) are restored correctly (including virtual desktop number).
> This proves IMHO that your problem is unrelated to *this* bug report, or the
> other one I marked this as duplicate of, which is about a problem in Qt5 as
> explained.
Subject is "Plasma doesn't restore everything after a reboot". So maybe is too
general. Author reported this bug wrote about problem with Konsole, Dolphin,
Kate and restoring them including their opened tabs. After several posts
someone started typing about most general problems with restoring other
applications. Never mind.
So maybe my problem is only partially related to reported problem.

> > In Plasma 5.5.4 (ksmserver probably has the same version) Firefox and
> > Thunderbird were restored correctly.
> There has been no change to ksmserver (except see above), so another prove
> that this is not the same bug.
So where is placed the bug? In Plasma 5.5.4 GTK applications are restored
correctly and in 5.6.4 don't.
>From my perspective it looks like some informations necessary to restore GTK
based applications are not saved into ksmserverrc. Even after hardcoded them in
this file, they exist only till first relogin/restart. After that they
disappear. How it might be explained?

> > Looking what you are saying: 'I have heard of other users having problems
> > with Firefox in this regard since upgrading Plasma to 5.6 (or the beta).". I
> > also other persons also saying about problems, so maybe this is plasma 5.6.x
> > (ksmserver) bug.
> As mentioned, ksmserver hasn't been changed between 5.5 and 5.6.
> Except for this:
> git&a=commit&h=5f0ca1305db4a925dbdbf927f541497be334feff
So I'm asking again. What happened? Developers of couple distributions made
some mistake?
In the past I tested also KaOS with Plasma 5.4.x and later after update to
Plasma 5.6.x. Testing the newest KaOS I observe the same issue like in
Antergos. KaOS doesn't base on Arch packages instead of Antergos.
I wonder what will bring Plasma 5.6.4 (currently tested) in Kubuntu 16.04. I
mean of course issue of restoring GTK and KF5 applications.

> According to the commit message it shouldn't be a problem though...
For me it is hard to say if XSM technology could affect on restoring GTK
applications. I don't know what testes made author this fix after applying it
in code.
I mean simple test: whether GTK and KF applications are restored or not.
I and others can say only that it stopped work.

> If you are able to build plasma/ksmserver from source, I would recommend to
> do so with this patch reverted and see if it works then.
This is the easiest way to prove/not prove that author of this patch didn't
retest your fix properly.
Yes. I'm able to build plasma-workspace package, what contains ksmserver. Maybe
I will make such test in the future.

> > And if for you and for Paolo Carlini it is working then to who should to
> > report the bug?
> Good question, I don't know really.
> Maybe GTK3, or the applications affected.
As I mentioned issue is related to GTK2 (new Opera, thunderbird) and GTK3

> Or, as it might be a ksmserver bug after all (I never ruled that out), file
> a *new* bug report here.
Some time ago (May 4th) I just reported it here in bug: 362671 (no answer).
I reported it also in Antergos forum (with no answer). I'm going to report it
also in KaOS forum.

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