--- Comment #26 from Matt Whitlock <> ---
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #25)
> I'd really like this particularly for the case of many-button mice. I'd like
> to be able to assign the side keys to "next/previous" tab.

I have a mouse with 12 evdev buttons (scroll up and scroll down are "buttons,"
even though they're physically triggered by a wheel), and I use 'xbindkeys' and
'xte' to map them all to useful actions. I have 'xbindkeys' in my session's
'autostart' configuration, and my ~/.xbindkeys contains the following:

"xte 'key XF86Back'"

"xte 'key XF86Forward'"

"xte 'key XF86Search'"

"xte 'keydown Super_L' 'key Prior' 'keyup Super_L'"

"xte 'keydown Super_L' 'key Next' 'keyup Super_L'"

"xte 'keydown Control_L' 'key Prior' 'keyup Control_L'"

"xte 'keydown Control_L' 'key Next' 'keyup Control_L'"

"killall -HUP gpg-agent ; dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.kde.kwalletd5
/modules/kwalletd5 org.kde.KWallet.closeAllWallets ; dbus-send
--type=method_call --dest=org.kde.kwalletd /modules/kwalletd
org.kde.KWallet.closeAllWallets ; dbus-send --type=method_call
--dest=org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver
org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.Lock ; sleep 1 ; xset dpms force off"
        Release + XF86Sleep

"sleep 1 ; xset dpms force off"
        Shift + Release + XF86Sleep

This gives me the following mappings:
- Rocking the school wheel to the left or right switches to the previous or
next tab in most applications.
- Clicking the button above or below the scroll wheel switches to the next or
previous virtual desktop.
- Pushing the forward or back thumb button goes forward or back in the
navigation history of web browsers, file explorers, and some other apps.
- Pushing the center side button presents all windows in KWin. (I have
XF86Search configured as a hotkey in KWin.)
- Pressing the Sleep key on my keyboard locks all wallets, locks my session,
and turns off my monitor.
- Pressing Shift+Sleep just turns off my monitor.

I've used this configuration (and mouse) for over a decade with great success.

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