--- Comment #26 from ---
I'm trying to accumulate a bit more information on this issue for you.
Currently I'm running
directly compiled as per your standard instructions (not via Arch AUR). I'm
using SQLite.

Given that the potential issue (still occurring) is happening around database
access I wanted to pin down which SQL statements are active at the time I
experience the hangs. I expected to see the SQL statements appearing in logs
when QT_LOGGING_RULES="digikam.*=true", but they do not. Everything else is
logged but not SQL.

eg. in core/libs/database/coredb/coredb.cpp

    QMap<QString, int>  map;

    QString queryString = QString::fromUtf8("SELECT COUNT(*), II.format "
                                            "FROM ImageInformation AS II "
                                            "INNER JOIN Images ON "
                                            " WHERE Images.status=1 ");

    if (category != DatabaseItem::UndefinedCategory)
        queryString.append(QString::fromUtf8("AND Images.category=%1

    queryString.append(QString::fromUtf8("GROUP BY II.format;"));
    qCDebug(DIGIKAM_DATABASE_LOG) << queryString;


I expected with the logging level set as so, that all would be logged.

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