--- Comment #8 from Michail Vourlakos <> ---
yeah I know... :)

1. If you are using Breeze plasma theme then Breeze has the bug for Left Edge
Panels. Try to swap latte to left and plasma panel to right and you will notice
it. The Breeze plasma theme bug will be fixes in plasma frameworks eventually
2. The Latte Thickness margins are really great, try to lower them a bit.
3. The solution that is already provided will be the only one possible even
when you are using plasma panels with the systray.

Some infos for Plasma 5.21 official applets paddings solution.

1. Paddings in applets are now forced to all applets are panel/dock
implementation is taking responsibility for them
2. [1] for Latte means the following, when you choose Item Size then that item
size is respected for ALL applets and the Thickness margin values is also
respected by ALL applets
3. There are applets that independent of [1],[2] want to occypy ALL panel
thickness with no thickness margins at all for example plasma taskmanager.
These applets take responsibility to request that from their docks and panels.
So if you test plasma taskmanager you will see that this is always the case.
4. Unfortunatly plasma systray is not requesting to occupy ALL panel thickness
and this is plasma devs opinion/choice, you can try to persuade them instead to
something else.
5. By taking into account [1-4] Plasma SysTray tweaks gets into the account and
give a user option to enable/disable that behavior.

Concerning the earlier mentioned plasma bug that Latte needs a restart for this
to work properly. Plasma devs confirmed the bug and I have already sent a patch
to them to merge.

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