--- Comment #5 from Duncan <> ---
Here's my X mode results, first some generic X/wayland scaling differences I
discovered before I get into the gwenview-specific behavior:

Scaling on X works a bit differently than it does on wayland. I've two monitors
and on (kwin-)wayland scaling is per-monitor while on X it's global.  And on X
I have to restart the plasma session (which FWIW I do from a CLI login, no
graphical display-manager login installed, so quitting a session quits to the
CLI login from which I can run a new session)  to have the new scaling settings
take effect, while on wayland they take effect immediately.

Also, on wayland it's possible to scale below 100%, effectively giving you more
screen space for more windows at the cost of a smaller UI, if you can read it. 
On X the minimum is 100%, no way to "scale out" below that (tho on pure X it's
possible to set an arbitrarily large X framebuffer and configure panning within
it for a similar effect, but at least some years ago when I tried that with
kde, it apparently reset the framebuffer to the bounding rectangle of the

And I'm not exactly sure of the technical details from the quick tests and
don't want to spend more time back in X than I have to (at one point
kwin-wayland wouldn't run due to a live-git bug between releases, and I was
stuck on X only for a week or two! hey, at least X ran!), but best I could
describe it, on X, "different things scale" than on wayland.  I /think/ it's
the UI that scales on wayland, while on X it's everything.  So on wayland the
buttons and text scale but for instance the image in gwenview, when set to
100%, is the same size (the same number of absolute screen pixels, 1:1 matched
at 100%) either way.  But I'd have to spend more time comparing them and
perhaps reading some documentation to be sure.

Of course you can always zoom either/both the whole display using kwin, or the
gwenview zoom-factor and the gwenview zoom's what this bug is about, so...

Confirming my suspicions on X moving the zoomed image around in 125% scaling
mode was *much* faster than on wayland, near the speed of 100% tho I restarted
kde-X a couple times at both 100 and higher scalefactors to better compare, and
there was still /some/ scaling slowdown dragging the zoomed image around.  And
yes, I did see the block-artifacting on 125% scaled X, tho I was testing with a
normal photo-image so it wasn't as noticeable as it was with the line-drawing
in your video.  Dragging back and forth as fast as I could actually left a
detectable "smeared" image at one point, where the visible edge was obviously
repeatedly redrawn, creating the smear-effect.

Of course I tried it at 100% scale also, to compare.  Try as I might I couldn't
get that to artifact, so the result there was similar to on wayland.  But I
/did/ notice some "screen-tear" from redraw in the middle of a buffer-fill,
something that's supposed to be difficult to avoid on X, while on wayland they
use page-flipping and continue redrawing the old page until the app says the
new one is ready.  That reminded me that the xf86-video-amdgpu driver has a
tearfree option, so I checked on it, and it was set to "auto", which is off at
normal rotation and xrandr translation matrix, on if rotated or a non-identity
xrandr translation matrix is applied.  So I turned it on to see if that made a
difference, of course restarting the kde session again in both 125% and 100%
scaled modes.  While turning the amdgpu tearfree on /did/ appear to eliminate
the screen-tearing it didn't noticeably affect gwenview's zoomed-drag
performance.  But my "monitors" are actually TVs limited to 60 Hz refresh.  If
they were able to do 120 Hz @ the native 4k resolution the tearfree may have
had a worse performance impact.

Conclusion: X's graphics seem to be tuned for performance at the cost of
artifacting if the gpu can't keep up, as seems to be the case for both of us
with scaling.  That's across graphics drivers and hardware.  On wayland we only
have my results as your drivers apparently don't have scaling enabled on
wayland yet, but at least with my aging amd radeon rx460 graphics (I checked
xorg.log for the tearfree setting and noticed the rx number there) wayland
appears to go for quality over speed and scaling seems to make it work hard
enough to really slow things down, but without the artifacting we both see on

But I'd still urge you to try enabling and configuring the kwin zoom effect,
setting up hotkeys so you can zoom in and out relatively easily.   Then try
leaving gwenview at 100% zoom so you don't have to deal with the artifacting
there, and see if kwin's full-display zoom effect doesn't avoid the

Actually, I'd suggest trying 100% scaling and just using the kwin zoom effect
for that as well.  Among other things that gives you a bigger workspace that
you can pan around, with return to "actual size" possible when you need "the
big picture" after which you can zoom back in if desired.  YMMV as they say,
but given a bit of time to adjust to the change and with a bit of luck hardware
and driver-wise, you'll find the performance at least as good and the quality
arguably better than scaling.  Certainly that has been my experience tho again
YMMV.  But it's definitely worth a try and hopefully it'll be a useful and
more-performant/less-artifacted workaround.

Meanwhile, this bug remains.  Your video was a great demonstration of its nasty
effects!  Hopefully it gets fixed so it doesn't have to bother others,
regardless of whether you find the kwin-effect-zoom workaround actually useful
for you, or not.

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