--- Comment #27 from Ash Blake <> ---
The file descriptor flood comes from PlasmaWindow::Private::iconChangedCallback
(kwayland/src/client/plasmawindowmanagement.cpp:655, master branch).
This can be easily verified by catching pipe2 in the plasmashell process - 
the backtrace will show this function. Occurences of pipe2 in the strace
output for plasmashell correlate with the amount of KWin's file descriptors.

After calling the org_kde_plasma_window_get_icon interface, the FDs get copied
over to KWin's process using Wayland's proxy magic, which seems to be using 
the sendmsg and recvmsg syscalls with SCM_RIGHTS ancillary messages, which 
enable passing open descriptors between processes.

The function which gets called after marshaling the FDs by the Wayland's proxy 
thingy is PlasmaWindowInterfacePrivate::org_kde_plasma_window_get_icon

Things get really odd now. Both of those functions look fine to me - it doesn't 
look like either the server side or the client side would leave a descriptor 
open after finishing its work. I walked through both the icon read and write in 
GDB, and everything was seemingly handled correctly for the cases I observed.

Despite no errors, many of these supposedly closed descriptors did still appear 
in /proc/$KWIN_PID/fd. I have no idea what could be going on.  

For a test, I replaced  org_kde_plasma_window_get_icon with a function that
calls close(fd). Somehow, the KWin process still had rapidly increasing amounts 
of FDs, even though this time it was just supposed to close them ASAP.

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