amyspark <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |hics/krita/commit/ad416d3c2 |hics/krita/commit/d7cc52d16
                   |f73cacd0bce4ce8add9a2755d1b |8ce38910b26cc022c3145edc694
                   |769a                        |de8a

--- Comment #9 from amyspark <> ---
Git commit d7cc52d168ce38910b26cc022c3145edc694de8a by L. E. Segovia.
Committed on 04/01/2022 at 17:00.
Pushed by lsegovia into branch 'krita/5.0.0'.

Fix inconsistency in preview visibility on AppImages

In AppImages, the Qt file picker will always be used regardless of the
value of QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog. This commit ensures the
preview is shown if there's a layout() present when the checkbox isn't
ticked, and disables the checkbox altogether on AppImages.
(cherry picked from commit ad416d3c2f73cacd0bce4ce8add9a2755d1b769a)

M  +7    -0    libs/ui/dialogs/
M  +3    -1    libs/widgetutils/KisPreviewFileDialog.cpp
M  +8    -1    libs/widgetutils/KoFileDialog.cpp

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