--- Comment #6 from ---
The bug occured for me again just today after turning my laptop on for the
first time in about a week. I ran the command `journalctl --user -b` and saved
it to a text file using `journalctl --user -b > log.txt`. The file is quite
long, about 200 lines. I could attach all of it but is there anything specific
I should search for to send? To my untrained eye I can't see anything related
to touchpads or anything major that fails, there are some odd complaints about
latte dock stuff (I don't use latte dock) and appimagelauncherd complaining
some files don't exist. Other than that the services it tries to start all
start up properly as far as I can see. But again, if there's something I should
look out for I can just post that, or if there are any other commands I should
run just let me know. I'll keep my laptop on to help diagnose the issue 🙂

This is the longest I've kept my laptop on while the touchpad has not worked.
Putting the laptop to sleep and waking it again has not worked. I am unsure if,
in this specific case, that the trackpad worked on the login screen. I didn't
try to move it. Also, there is no battery indicator in my system tray. I can't
open it to access the battery option that's normally in there as far as I know,
but this behaviour is definitely strange.

I noticed some other potentially odd behaviour, though I could just be
remembering incorrectly so please bear with me. Usually in System Settings >
Input Devices > Touchpad, there is a dropdown box with my touchpad listed.
However right now, there is no such dropdown box. The system settings screen
starts with the "General" list where "Device Enabled" is checked.

I am using a point release behind on my laptop, but I didn't want to update and
reboot as I wanted to keep the laptop in this touchpad-less state for as long
as possible. Below is some updated system information from the initial bug

Kernel: 5.16.11-arch1-2 (64bit)
Plasma version: 5.24.2 (Wayland session)
KDE Frameworks: 5.91.0
Qt version: 5.15.2

I'd just like to note again that this bug is very rare, and that a reboot or
two usually fixes it, but any potential of fixing it or at the very least
documenting that it can occur may be beneficial 🙂

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