--- Comment #4 from Alexander Schier <> ---
I do not mean "without changing the geometry" (as seen on the screen), but
without changing the construction (as in some tree of operations or whatever
the internal data structure does). So if i change the construction of a center
of three points, i do not want to delete all segments which have the center as
parent object, but keep them (and for example see how they change length and

So when i have some complicated construction, which contains
MORE_OPERATIONS(MACRO1(input))), i want to swap MACRO1 for MACRO2, leaving
input as it is (maybe some complicated constructed object as well) and changing
the Output geometry by applying MORE_OPERATIONS to the changed object.

Or like it would be in a saved file:


  <Object type="FixedPoint" id="8">
   <Parent id="7"/>
   <Parent id="1"/>
  <Object type="FixedPoint" id="9">
   <Parent id="3"/>
   <Parent id="4"/>
  <Object type="CircleBTP" id="10">
   <Parent id="9"/>
   <Parent id="8"/>
   <Parent id="6"/>
  <Property which="center" id="11">
   <Parent id="10"/>

Operation: Swap center(CircleBTP(input)) for

Changed Document:
  <Object type="FixedPoint" id="7">
   <Parent id="6"/>
   <Parent id="5"/>
  <Data type="double" id="8">0.790236</Data>
  <Object type="FixedPoint" id="9">
   <Parent id="4"/>
   <Parent id="8"/>
  <Object type="TriangleB3P" id="10">
   <Parent id="7"/>
   <Parent id="3"/>
   <Parent id="9"/>
  <Property which="polygon-center-of-mass" id="11">
   <Parent id="10"/>

Everything having <Parent id="11"> change its geometry after this, everything
having <Parent id="10"> before would need to be deleted as there is no circle
anymore (and a triangle has other properties).

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