amyspark <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit| |
                   |hics/krita/commit/c771be4d2 |hics/krita/commit/f32449d63
                   |9190a594c7f7110e3432dfdb810 |5f18548cf26532e3fda07386778
                   |ee15                        |e7d7

--- Comment #8 from amyspark <> ---
Git commit f32449d635f18548cf26532e3fda07386778e7d7 by L. E. Segovia.
Committed on 28/06/2022 at 18:51.
Pushed by lsegovia into branch 'krita/5.1'.

JPEG XL: fix retrieval of the projection

After flattening, the projection is the first node. Assert that
it's animated and has a paint device.
(cherry picked from commit c771be4d29190a594c7f7110e3432dfdb810ee15)

M  +5    -1    plugins/impex/jxl/JPEGXLExport.cpp

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